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Product The Time Challenge | Self Study Program and Coaching

From this program you will walk away with a powerful collection of tools to help you identify your peak performance hours, prioritize what matters most, and say ‘no’ to distractions so that you can feel your most productive, efficient and organized.

This program also includes a 30-minute 1-on-1 coaching session that you will schedule to review your assignments and discuss your next steps. 

During the training you will cover the following:  

  1. How you organize your time which includes working on your most important tasks during the times you have peak energy, and making good use of your lower energy times.
  1. How you prioritize your time by identifying the important tasks you want to accomplish and working on them first.
  1. How you eliminate distractions by avoiding common time distractors that drain you of your energy and keep you from accomplishing what matters the most.


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197.00 USD