Products & Services

"Ready, Set, Go!" hardcover book

Coach Wyn joined with the legendary Brian Tracy and two dozen CelebrityExperts to create "Ready, Set, Go!" to share their top tips to setting yourself up for success.  The authors have donated all royalties to Entrepreneurs International Foundation (

19.95 USD

Human Potential Coaching - 3-month Kick-Start program

Human Potential Coaching is a consciousness-transforming process that inspires and supports Clients in achieving their goals, realizing their potential, and upgrading their body, mind and energy.

The HPC Kick-Start Program consists of three scheduled sessions per month and as many more sessions (additional fee per session) for three months (12-weeks, 90 days) to kick start your progress toward achieving your life goals.

4500.00 USD

Executive Coaching

Executive coaching is an exclusive one-on-one relationship between an executive in a leadership position and a professional executive coach to maximize executive performance.  Through a personalized program, the executive Client will be develop enhanced capacities and capabilities starting with learning how to understand and address the Client's intentions, goals and needs to achieve real, sustainable levels of success.

Because Executive Coaching is personalized, the specifics for duration and resource intensity will be determined mutually by Coach and Client during the initial assessment/discovery dialogue session ($1,000 fee). According to the "Manchester Review" executive coaching has a 7-fold ROI.  

1000.00 USD

Group Coaching

Contact Coach Wyn to discuss your Group and its goals that would be served by coaching support.  Product price depends on how the group coaching engagement is designed and delivered.  

0.00 USD

PASSION TEST One-on-one workshop

Are you ready for more joy and fulfillment in your life?  Clarity is a process and The Passion Test is a tool for gaining clarity by effectively prioritizing what really matters to you.  Through this three session guided one-on-one conversation, you will:

  • Gain clarity about those things that are most important in your life
  • Discover your top 5 Passions which are clues to your personal destiny
  • Learn valuable tools so you can begin living your passions immediately


297.00 USD

Standing Firm

This four session series will help you work through the psychological trauma of a significant event, such as divorce, job loss, death, serious illness, with the support of a compassionate coach.

47.00 USD


Life Mastery is a six month program that includes daily worksheets and practices, weekly group calls, and coaching support.

8997.00 USD

Visioning and Goal Setting | Self Study Program and Coaching

In this coaching program, you are going to explore several key points about visioning & goal setting to help you successfully set and achieve important goals in your life.

This program also includes a 30-minute 1-on-1 coaching session that you will schedule to review your assignments and discuss your next steps. 

During the training you will cover the following:  

The Power of the Questions We Ask - How the questions we ask ourselves and the answers we get can dramatically impact our lives. 

Visioning: What it is and Why it’s Important - How having a vision, a mental picture of what we desire, is an important key to success in life.

Goal Setting: Getting From Point A to Point B - How goals can get us from where we are to where we want to be in our lives. 

The Power of Visioning AND Goal Setting.  You will learn to use a tool that powerfully merges both visioning and goal setting.


197.00 USD

The Time Challenge | Self Study Program and Coaching

From this program you will walk away with a powerful collection of tools to help you identify your peak performance hours, prioritize what matters most, and say ‘no’ to distractions so that you can feel your most productive, efficient and organized.

This program also includes a 30-minute 1-on-1 coaching session that you will schedule to review your assignments and discuss your next steps. 

During the training you will cover the following:  

  1. How you organize your time which includes working on your most important tasks during the times you have peak energy, and making good use of your lower energy times.
  1. How you prioritize your time by identifying the important tasks you want to accomplish and working on them first.
  1. How you eliminate distractions by avoiding common time distractors that drain you of your energy and keep you from accomplishing what matters the most.


197.00 USD

Happy Trails | Self Study Program and Coaching

From this program, you will be well on your way to a happy future, free from anxiety and full of empowering personal choices.  In this self-study program you will explore three areas for finding happiness:   

#1 – Moving Away from Unhappiness – We can’t experience happiness or even expect to have it in our lives if we aren’t first willing to move away from those things that make us unhappy.  You’ll look then at what you need to change in order to make a space for happiness to show up.  

#2 – Moving Towards Happiness – Researchers in the field of happiness have identified a dozen, what they call, Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes (TLC’s, for short) that a person can pursue that will move them towards happiness in the form of a healthier lifestyle, self-empowerment, and greater mental health and well-being.  

In this section, you’ll explore what these strategies are and determine which ones would be most beneficial for you to move toward happiness. 

#3 – Making Others Happy -  Finally, you’ll look at how you can experience more happiness when you put time and attention into making others happy.

197.00 USD

A to Zs of Success | Self Study Program and Coaching

In this program, you are going to take a journey like the pioneers did many years ago.  Your adventure will have important milestones at the beginning, the end, and along the way.  We call these points the “A to Z’s of Success."

This program also includes a 30-minute 1-on-1 coaching session that you will schedule to review your assignments and discuss your next steps.


Your journey is broken down into:

  • Your Definition of Success
  • Key points on the route to any successful outcome
  • Stay on your path to success even in the face of road bumps and challenges
197.00 USD

Courage, Risks and Rewards Coaching Program

In this coaching program, you will explore 5 key areas that will help you find the courage to take new risks and reap great rewards. You will examine the concept of risk and break it down into specific, manageable steps. And you will look at risk from different perspectives and explore how the rewards for taking chances far outweigh the costs. This training will open new doors to exciting opportunities!
97.00 USD